Wheel – Use this template to calculate your content marketing ROI! Click here to download the template for free now! We've helped Fortune 500 companies, venture-backed start-ups, and companies like you grow faster . Get free consultation Five Steps to Measuring Content Marketing ROI Through Goal Transformation Go to your Analytics account and follow us. Step 1:
Determine the cost To know your ghost mannequin effect return, you need to know how much you have spent. This step is easy . All you have to do is add up all the costs of creating, promoting, and building links to your content . For example, if you hire a writer to create an article, it costs $ 500, and you spend $ 200 on a paid promotion for that article, the cost per article is $ 700. Then, if you spend two hours outreaching your email to further promote and build a link to that article, that's also costly.
To determine the amount, simply multiply the billable rate by the number of hours spent promoting the article. So if you charge $ 150 an hour, add $ 300 to the cost of the article for a total of $ 1,000. References: Beginner's Guide to Creating Content Marketing Strategies Google Analytics Goal Achievement Process and Goal Creation: Step-by-Step Guide The ultimate guide to linking building and content Step 2: Download the reverse target path data Now we are in Google Analytics.